LEGEND Recordings Welcomes Cassie Whitt as Content Manager, A&R
LEGEND Recordings welcomes Content Manager and A&R, Cassie Whitt to the team. With her years of hands-on experience in the music world as a fan and notably with Alternative Press Magazine as Web Content Manager [2012-2015] and APTV Manager [2015-2016], she brings an incredible understanding and a keen ear for upcoming artists and talent.
"An only child born at the dawn of the '90s, Whitt spent her early life (read: pre-home-internet) hanging out with the ghosts who haunted her house, making up tales, collecting and absorbing the powers of pretty rocks and seeing how far she could get lost in the woods before she got in trouble. She still sometimes does at least one of those things.
She was voted "Most Artistic" in high school, which amounts to: "She has red and black hair; I bet she draws and stuff." But she really does "draw and stuff." Her preferred medium is ink and she wishes she had as much time as she once did to create visual art.
During her formative years, she saw My Chemical Romance live 21 times, which aided her continued belief in magic, music and forces of good in the world.
Full disclosure: She loves MCR more than most people will ever love anything.
Whitt currently resides in the Cleveland area with her thoughts, no less than 75 journals and a moody cockatiel named Doctor Zeropercent." Contact: Cassie.Whitt@legendrecordings.co